Herminone timetable


Is it possible to make a schedule true to canon for Hogwarts complete for all four houses, all seven years and for all professors by following what is written in the books by JK Rowling?

Link to the schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12tOOi3kgX0W5s5jnRR00AGCIiKW-6A5PlmqrRv9nVrM/edit#gid=0 

I also made an example schedule: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1k66zNw67Xn0NEtktpthDgkv-I5NGRqs5Leql7zi1h2E/edit?usp=sharing 

There excists an actuall Hogwarts schedule example that might be concidered almost cannon. From the book "Harry Potter Page to Screen", p. 27 by Bob McCabe (link) Style-wise this schedule in inspired by this but does not concider it canon because of its many inaccuracies.


Är det möjligt att göra en tidtabell sann till kanon för Hogwarts komplett för alla fyra hus, alla sju år och för alla professorer genom att följa vad som står i böckerna av JK Rowling?

Andreas Palmblad

Andreas Palmblad